About Us
I am a work-from-home wife and mother of three-ages 7, 4, and 2. I know how overwhelming it can be sometimes to keep everything together and running smoothly. Just a minor adjustment in our habits can often make a big difference in keeping our sanity in place!
I created this website as a service to other moms. My vision is for it to become a community where moms can come to connect with each other and share information that will help us all as we take this amazing journey through motherhood.
As www.get-organized-mom.com grows, I look forward to adding features that will allow you to add content to the site and chat with other moms to get tips and advice.
Please use this website as a resource to help you bring calm to the chaos of life!
What do you enjoy? What are you an expert in? What do you know a lot about? All of us have knowledge about different things. We may have gained it through education, a job or career, a hobby, or just life in general. Did you know that you can turn that knowledge into income on the internet?
That's what I am doing with www.get-organized-mom.com! I'm writing about the things that I do everyday in my own life, and sharing those thoughts with others. My hope is that other moms will benefit from my ideas, and I'll make a little money along the way.
If you'd like to see how you can turn your knowledge into income,
click here!
Worried about how to put all that knowledge into words? Here's a FREE E-Book that will teach you how to write amazing content...
Make Your Words Sell!
This is a 258-page book that
used to offer for $29.95. They are now offering it FREE! The information in this book will answer all your questions about how to write good content for your own website.
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I wish everyone could enjoy running their own ebusiness. I have enjoyed creating mine and used a program called Solo Build It! to do it. I know Solo Build It! is becoming more well-known these days, but a group of competitors would like people to believe that it doesn't work. They are so steadfast on stealing customers, they created a Google bomb, which you can read about here: Scam Article. This site includes all the facts on how Google bombs work and how competitors can cause use it to create problems for anyone.